Gaku Nakagawa draws a series of the dream beauty according to the world of Kyoka Izumi, who was pioneer and master of Japanese gothic and fantasy fiction
Giclee(Inkjet print)
50 limited
○size 337mm×490mm
○signed and numbered by the artist
○framed for 8,000 JPY
○all framed with mat (black)
●Kyoka Izumi
Born in Kanazawa. 1873 - 1939, novelist
Main works: "Koya-Hijiri (The Holy Man of Mount Koya)," "Kusameikyu (Grass Labyrinth), ""Tenshu Monogatari ( Tale of a Castle Keep)," "Yashagaike (Demon Pond)" etc.
●Gaku Nakagawa
Born in Kyoto in 1966, illustrator, Buddhist priest of the Jodo-shu temple
Gaku Nakagawa web site→